Investment Objectives and Risk Disclosure
BCRS is a retailer or seller and purchaser of Cryptocurrency and Precious Metals. While BCRS is always willing to give general market comparisons based on the different type of products that are available for purchase, Investor recognizes and agrees that no fiduciary relationship exists between investor and BCRS. Furthermore, the decision to purchase or sell Cryptocurrency or Precious Metals and which products specifically to purchase or sell, is Investor’s decision alone. Purchases and sales are subject to investor’s own due diligence and good judgment. BCRS always encourages Investor to do their own due diligence. Precious Metals and Cryptocurrency can be highly volatile, long term Investors should be prepared to hold and products purchased from BCRS for a minimum of 3-5 years and preferably 5-10 years in order to maximize Investor’s potential for realized profit in the market. BCRS believes client should only invest using funds that can be committed for this period of time unless market conditions permit otherwise. Should the investor wish to exit their position before the recommended time frame, BCRS will require notice in wiring of investor’s wish to liquidate prematurely and BCRS could respectfully decline to repurchase the products in question (subject to change at any time).
Volatility. Cryptocurrency and Precious Metals are investments and can be highly volatile, are not FDIC insured, and carry capital risk. Cryptocurrency and Precious Metals may appreciate, depreciate, or stay the same value depending on many numbers of factors. BCRS does not guarantee and makes no representation that the products purchased will appreciate at all or appreciate sufficiently to make the Investor a profit a the expiration of this or any other period of time. BCRS believes an Investor should allocate no more than 20% of an overall investment portfolio to each of these asset categories.
No Yield. Cryptocurrency and Precious Metals do not carry a yield or pay interest and thus are not an appropriate mechanism for investors that are seeking recurring or immediate income.
Outside Economic Forces. The success of an investment in Cryptocurrency or Precious Metals depends on outside economic forces including but not limited to international monetary conditions, supply, demand, inflation or the expectation thereof, and many other factors outside the control of Investor or BCRS. Investor acknowledges that the Cryptocurrency and Precious Metals markets are highly volatile and carry significant investor risk. Prices can rise and fall over time and past performance in no way is an indicator of future results.